Zoning Changes

Must Benefit,
Not Burden,

Our Community

Zoning Changes

Must Benefit,
Not Burden,

Our Community

about us

The Coalition for a Better Cincinnati is a citywide, grassroots alliance committed to ensuring that the voices of Cincinnati's communities are heard.

Empowering Civic Voices

Comprised of concerned community leaders and dedicated business owners, our mission is to foster transparent and inclusive decision-making processes within city governance.

A Home For All

We advocate for policies that benefit all Cincinnatians, emphasizing the need for clean, safe, and affordable housing.

Preserving Our City's Future

By challenging proposals like the Connected Communities legislation, we strive to prevent rushed decisions that can significantly alter our city’s landscape without proper community feedback and due process.

Get Involved

Join our rapidly growing coalition and make a difference in your community today! Whether you're interested in helping with grassroots organizing, contributing to discussions on policy, or supporting our legal challenges, your involvement is crucial. Start by filling out our Coalition Form to stay updated and receive notifications on how you can participate in upcoming events, meetings, and advocacy efforts. Together, we can ensure that our city’s policies reflect the needs and voices of all its residents. Join us in creating a more inclusive and transparent Cincinnati.

Contact Us